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Schedule tab will be available for cron applications. A schedule defines how often and when the cron application will run. It can be defined using the following parameters:

  1. Cron Expression (required): A string specifying the timing details such as minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week for when to run the job.

Example: The value "* * * * *" would run the job every minute.


You can use to generate cron expressions.

  1. Timezone (required): The timezone in which the schedule should be executed. For example, "Asia/Kolkata", "Antarctica/Macquarie", etc.
  2. Retries upon failure (optional): The number of times the job should be retried upon failure. If not specified, the job will not be retried on failure.
  3. Maximum run time in seconds (optional): The maximum duration in seconds the job is allowed to run before it is considered timed out. If not specified, the job will not have any time out.

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