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Architecture Diagram

Architecture diagram provides you a visual representation of all the services deployed in your environment. It is an interactive way to view and manage relationships between different services.

You can access the architecture diagram by switching to the diagram view (Diagram view button) toggle from the services overview page.

Managing Connections

You can define relationships between application services and infrastructure resources by drawing connections between them. When you connect two services, relevant attributes from the resource are injected into the application's environment variables, while also ensuring that the application has the necessary permissions to access the resource.

Demo architecture diagram

Creating a new connection

  1. Go into 'Edit' mode by clicking on the lock button in the bottom right corner.
  2. Hover over the application service you wish to create the connection from.
  3. When you see the dots appear around the card, click and drag it up to a resource to create a connection between the two.
connection creation flow
  1. You can modify the names of the environment variables that will be injected. Once done, click on 'Save' to create the connection.

Deleting a connection

  1. Go into 'Edit' mode by clicking on the lock button in the bottom right corner.
  2. Click anywhere on the connection arrow you wish to delete.
  3. Select 'Delete Connection' from the dropdown that appears.
connection deletion flow

Once you add or remove a connection, you'll need to redeploy the service to see the changes.

Understanding the Diagram

Service Statuses

deployed app deployed resourceService is deployed and running
ready to deploy appService is ready to be deployed
failing app failing resourceLast deployment of service has failed
deploying appService is currently being deployed
deleting appService is currently being uninstalled or deleted
provisioning resourceService is currently being provisioned

Connection Statuses

connection creation flowConnection is successful
connection creation flowConnection is created but service is not deployed
connection creation flowConnection is deleted but service is not deployed
connection creation flowConnection has failed

Behind the Scenes

When you link two services, Kapstan ensures your application service has the appropriate permissions to access the specified resource. In AWS cloud account environments, this is achieved using IRSA (IAM Roles for Service Accounts), as detailed in the AWS EKS documentation. For Google Cloud, we rely on Google Service Accounts to accomplish the same.

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