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AWS Elastic Container Registry Connection

Kapstan has simplified the process of integrating with AWS ECR. Simply specify the AWS cloud provider connection you wish to use, along with the region, and you're all set. Follow these steps to create a new AWS ECR connection in your Kapstan account.

Steps to create an AWS ECR connection in Kapstan

  1. Navigate to connections page.
  2. Click "Create connection" button on the top right and then click on "Connect container registry".
  3. Complete the creation process by providing the required values in the form.
  • Name: Enter an identifiable name for your connection.
  • Container Registry: Choose "AWS Elastic Container Registry" from the dropdown menu.
  • AWS connection: Select the AWS connection you wish to utilize for this ECR.

Kapstan seamlessly integrates with ECR without requiring additional credentials or access. It leverages the credentials and access settings already configured for the selected AWS cloud provider connection.

  • Region: Choose your desired region from the region drop-down menu.
  1. Click "Confirm" to finalize the connection setup.

Verify Connection

Once you established the connection with Kapstan, you will be directed to the Connections page. You can check the status of the connection by checking the status column.

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