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Cloud Provider Connections in Kapstan

At the heart of Kapstan's functionality lies the ability to deploy and manage resources in the cloud. The Cloud Provider connection plays a pivotal role in this process, forming the foundation upon which all operations take place.

What is a Cloud Provider Connection?

A Cloud Provider connection is a secured linkage between Kapstan and your chosen cloud service provider's account. By establishing this connection, Kapstan gains the necessary permissions to provision, manage, and optimize resources on your behalf, all within the confines of the provider's environment. Cloud provider connection provides you:

  • Automated Resource Management: Once connected, Kapstan can automate the deployment, scaling, and management of resources based on your configurations and needs.
  • Seamless Integration: The Cloud Provider connection ensures a smooth integration, allowing Kapstan to fetch real-time data, monitor resources, and execute commands without manual intervention.
  • Centralized Dashboard: With the connection active, you can view all your cloud resources directly from Kapstan's dashboard, making it easier to manage and oversee operations.

Supported Cloud Providers

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services): Kapstan supports AWS, one of the leading cloud service providers globally. By connecting your AWS account, you can leverage Kapstan to manage EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and more. Click here for detailed guide.
  • GCP (Google Cloud Platform): Kapstan seamlessly integrates with GCP, allowing you to manage resources such as Compute Engine instances and Cloud Storage and more. Click here for detailed guide.
  • In Progress: Azure: We are working on integrating it and will soon add it to the supported providers.

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